Unique features you should consider for your custom home

Custom Home Feature

The notion of creating and designing a custom house around your and your family’s wishes and needs is what distinguishes a home as custom. A bespoke house allows homeowners to design precisely what they want, with only their creativity and budget constraints. Nevertheless, for around 25% of custom-built homes, the typical size is between 3,000 and 3,500 square feet according to Custom Builder Online. It might be tough to choose the proper features for such large residences. Many people become stuck because all of the options and possibilities paralyze them. This article suggests some unique custom home features for homeowners to consider.


You want your guests to be amazed when they walk through the front door, so use statement pieces for light fixtures and hardware to make your entryway unique, welcome, and customized. Think about customized built-in shelves and recesses. The entrance from the garage should be useful rather than showy. Entryways are known as the ‘drop zone’ where parents and children leave their stuff. Consider all of the options for making this location work for your household. To reduce clutter, provide charging stations and built-in shelves for each family member.


Building a custom home allows you to include everything you overlooked in an older home. A mudroom is not common in many houses, yet it’s essential for storing dirty shoes and damp umbrellas. The benefit of mudrooms is that they don’t have to be spectacular or lavish because they’re largely utilized for storage and dirty goods. Maybe a seat, a coat rack, and some cubbies!

High Ceilings

High ceilings brighten every area in custom homes and provide an elegant touch. It’s such a minor detail, yet when people enter your home, they’ll notice an air of elegance without knowing what it is. It will also make your area feel more dramatic as you start adding finishing touches, such as wall art, furniture, and paintings.

Upstairs Laundry Room

A laundry room may be the last item in your thoughts while designing your ideal home’s furnishings. However, as convenience becomes more essential in modern custom houses, you may want to consider constructing this frequently used area on the second floor. Designing a home with a laundry room beside the bedrooms greatly reduces daily time spent on chores!

When designing custom homes, shopping around for creative features that improve your home’s functionality and aesthetic appeal is important. Ensure you speak with building professionals to exchange ideas so you can arrive at excellent features for your home. Do you need a custom home builder for your custom home project? Give us a call today at BuildTX Solutions to consult with an expert builder of custom homes!

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